Letterhead - Cushway
- LETTERHEAD: Cushway - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board.
This letterhead design was commissioned by Peter Cushway. In the actual drawing the border line on the right side is extended much further out to the right allowing for Cushing's name and business address.
When I did this drawing I used a "fine" coquille board paper. The paper came in three textures; fine, medium, and coarse. As my supply of this "fine" textured paper diminished I went to buy some more and found out that both "fine" and "medium" textures would no longer be produced, only the coarse textured paper would be manufactured.
The art store clerk suggested that if I intended to work with the "fine" textured paper for an extended time I should buy up the entire supply they had in stock.
I went home, called up the manufacturer and asked if what the art store clerk told me was true. It was, the manufacturer told me that the "fine" and "medium" metal rollers used to make the textures wore out, and to make new rollers was not financially practical.
So I went back to the art store and bought all the fine and medium coquille board paper he had in stock. The supply lasted me for my entire career as an illustrator. The "fine" textured paper lasted for about five more years, after which I began using the "medium" textured paper. I still have some left, enough to draw about a 100 pictures.
I remember sending some of the fine and medium textured paper to a few other artists in the field who contacted me. They had also used coquille board and could no longer find it in any art supply stores.
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